Hello, I have a question, unfortunately the game doesn't work for me because when I start the game it says Draw Frame, does anyone have an idea to solve this problem on Win 11? Dgvoodoo didn't help either, unfortunately
Level 10 Legend of the Tree Chapter 1 (2002) Khaled must lead the resistance against the Israeli Defense Forces at Jenin refugee camp. Over 140 buildings were destroyed and over 22 civilians were killed in the real event. You must hold back the soldiers until Ahmed finishes making a bomb. This level sucks because your comrades are idiots who can't shoot straight, and you can be randomly hit by a shell at any point resulting in losing most of your health. First get behind the sandbags at the start of the level and look down the street. That is the "north line", if it falls the mission is over. If you actually approach it, the shelling and soldiers will kill you quick so snipe the soldiers form here. Now follow the road in the opposite direction, under the banner of white flags to find the "south line". When Ahmed tells you, return to the north line to defend it again. After killing enough soldiers he will tell you to go back to the south line. Finally Ahmed will tell you to fall back and the mission will end.
How much equipment did the Israel Defense Forces lose in October 7, 2023?
By the end of the day, the list of photo- and video-confirmed lost Israeli equipment was replenished mainly with tactical vehicles and bulldozers. However, given the gradual pulling of AoI armored vehicles into the conflict zone, the number of losses will increase in the near future.
▪ Merkava tanks: 7 units (of which at least two are trophies)
▪ Namer APC heavy BMP: 2 units with trophies
▪ Wheeled Vehicles: over 10 units
APCs of various types: 12 trophies
MRAP wheeled armored vehicles: 2 units
Tactical vehicles: 6 units
▪ Protected bulldozers: 3 units
All calculations are based on available footage on the Web. Based on statistical error, in reality these figures may be at least one third higher.
Strangely , Wikipedia says that the game has a CryEngine engine , judging by the pictures , this is true , but I have some other two versions of this saga and they definitely don 't look like a Far Сry !
← Return to Under Ash 2
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Hello, I have a question, unfortunately the game doesn't work for me because when I start the game it says Draw Frame, does anyone have an idea to solve this problem on Win 11? Dgvoodoo didn't help either, unfortunately
funny hamas game
بعدما ابدء اللعب في اللعبة تأتي لي شاشة سوداء دون اي شيئ او تغيرات ما الحل
Under Siege by Afkar Media 2005
give cheats !?
Chapter about the Arab-Israeli war Yom Kippur War (of 3 maps).
- Files unzip to Data blazing horizon (the chapter itself YomKippurWar.pak should lie there too).
Blitzkrieg game blazing horizon
new game - add-ons - additional chapters
How much equipment did the Israel Defense Forces lose in October 7, 2023?
By the end of the day, the list of photo- and video-confirmed lost Israeli equipment was replenished mainly with tactical vehicles and bulldozers. However, given the gradual pulling of AoI armored vehicles into the conflict zone, the number of losses will increase in the near future.
▪ Merkava tanks: 7 units (of which at least two are trophies)
▪ Namer APC heavy BMP: 2 units with trophies
▪ Wheeled Vehicles: over 10 units
APCs of various types: 12 trophies
MRAP wheeled armored vehicles: 2 units
Tactical vehicles: 6 units
▪ Protected bulldozers: 3 units
All calculations are based on available footage on the Web. Based on statistical error, in reality these figures may be at least one third higher.
That's if Hizbola decides to create a strategy game ;)
الصراعات الحديثة 1.9 (صدر)
الصراعات الحديثة (النجاح والاختبار )
there are mod of under seige like cheatmenu
you can fly and shoot unlimited and each other
I found these two games here where
I can find the second part exactly the CryEngine engine !?
Special Force 2: Tale of the Truthful Pledge ver 1.25
OK, I found it myself )
Strangely , Wikipedia says that the game has a CryEngine engine , judging by the pictures , this is true , but I have some other two versions of this saga and they definitely don 't look like a Far Сry !
Now I 'm trying to throw stones at the soldiers )
May I Use your movies in my game and give you credit?
سلام عليكم تحميل اللعبة مبيكملش للاخر
Great classic game